​Promoting Safe Sleep for Newborns
Introduction/Significance/Background- In the inpatient pediatric unit, there are a large number of parents of newborns who do not practice safe sleep. There is evidence that safe sleep is important in reducing the number of deaths due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Objective- To provide education to the staff and parents of newborns on the importance of adopting safe sleep measures for their infant. Methods- A pamphlet was developed to educate staff and the parents of newborns upon discharge. In addition to discharge teaching about safe sleep, parents will be able to take this pamphlet home with them to use as a resource. Results- After presenting the information to staff, they will have a better understanding of safe sleep measures and how to educate parents to implement these measures. The parents will be able to use safe sleep methods at home. Limitations/Discussion/Implications- This is an educational tool that can be used to teach parents about the importance of safe sleep. Limitations include not being able to measure whether parents adopt these safe sleep measures and language barriers.