Using Molecular Visualization Software, Pymol, to understand metabolic enzymes: Phosphoglycerate kinase
The enzyme known as Phosphoglycerate kinase is a glycolytic enzyme. It is know to catalyze up to two ATP-producing reactions when it converts 1-3-biophospglycerate into 3-phosphoglycerate. This reaction is reversible and it is a more direct route for compounds to be metabolized. The structure of phosphoglycerate kinase is 415-residue metabolic enzyme and two subunits that are similar in size. It is a open conformation and can be bounded to a N- and C- terminal domain. Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 and 2 are found in humans and have different particular functions between the two. Phosphoglycerate kinase 2 is known to encode autosomal genes whereas Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 plays a different role in encoding X-chromosomes. In the following video I will show the large structural stages of the open and closed states of this enzyme. Along with how glucose metabolizes in regards to the enzyme. The open and closed stages of the enzyme are different because there are certain parts being seen when open in comparissont to closed. Another aspect of this enzyme that will be seen is how ATP fit into the active site. This will all be showcased with the use of the program PyMol. This program will allow us to see the enzyme and all the different aspects of it in a clear way.